In many ways, the title "The Space Between Us" says it all. Though non-objective, the sculpture is easy to relate to because it is all about our relationships -- our commonalities, our differences -- and how, when looked at from different perspectives, that relationship can change.
The original “The Space Between Us” was created from a single block of Pink Portuguese marble. Sohocki split the piece in two vertically with one piece flipped end-to-end. The “two from one” nature of the sculpture represents the fact that we all come from the same “stone” or source. There may seem to be many differences but, if you look carefully, you’ll also see many complementary aspects and similarities. Now more than ever, it’s important to consider relationships, whether within our families, our communities, or among nations, and ultimately realize that we all have a common origin and bond. Sohocki left some of the natural surface where he split the pieces, which means that if they are flipped, they could actually be rejoined at that initial separation, representing our infinite connection.
Other aspects of the sculpture are the differences in size of the two forms, yet they maintain similar and complementary variations in texture, form, and line. This is just as in any relationship
where there are similarities and differences that can change depending upon how they are perceived or experienced over time and space.
The negative space between the two forms is also essential to understanding the sculpture. “The Space Between Us” reflects the Zen principle that it is not just the leaves of
a tree that give the tree its beauty. It is also the space between the leaves that need to be understood and admired.
Therefore, both of the forms and the space between them somehow seem to capture certain fundamental aspects of relationships.
This bronze two-piece sculpture is available in two heights: 81" / 75" and 28" / 25"
This bronze two-piece sculpture is available in two heights: 81" / 75" and 28" / 25"